The folks who made Frets On Fire have released a Mac version. THANK YOU!
There are some probs still, seeing as they dont own Macs they have still done a wonderful job, but there are some bugs in the current releases which make it impossible to run on some Macs. But I researched and found a way to get it going, and actually once I got it going I found that it works a lot smoother and better in OS X than it does on Vista or XP on my Macbook.
Here's the instructions with links on how to get it installed, and at the end I'll list some links of where to get songs for it.
Instructions By: Alex Yang-Nikodym (For Intel based Macs)
Step 1. Download the latest version of FoF, and the older 1.1.324.
Old 1.1324 Version Download Here
Newer 1.2.451 Version Download Here
Step 2. Extract both, and go into the FoF.app (1.1.324). Now, go to Contents/Resources/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload and grab the _amanith.so . Put this in the new FoF, in the same location the older one was in. Say yes when asked to replace. Now, FoF will start up, but you'll get nothing but a blue screen and some music.
Step 3. Rename default.ttf (found in Contents/Resources/data) to default.ttf.bak . Say "use .bak" when the pop-up comes up.
Step 4. Grab Chalkboard.ttf (from Library/Fonts) and paste it into the new FoF (into Contents/Resources/data). Rename it to default.ttf
Step 5. If the game still doesn't work, or is buggy or something, grab the flame.svgs (there should be two) from FoF 1.1.324 (Contents/Resources/data) and paste it into the new FoF, into the same location you found the .svgs.
The only bug I've found is that when you change your video settings (IT WORKS FINE!) you need to press space and the game exits, when you re-enter the game you should be in full screen goodness. I cranked it up to 1280x800 with 8x anti-alias at 80 frames per second with HIGH setting and it seems to work great.
Good luck!
Oh, and as far as links to songs, try google'n "frets on fire songs" you will find tons.
I am about to try out the XBOX 360 guitar plugged into USB on the Mac and see if it works. If it doesn't I will post here a HOW-TO get it working...
Have fun! And don't forget, Guitar Hero III will be available for MAC in early November! Can't wait... Now I have to find room for a damned mini guitar in my laptop bag which is already pretty cluttered with a TV antenna, portable hard drives and such.
Hope this helps and you Macbook /pro owners can now Guitar Hero on the go!
Paul Alves,
DIGG's supermanred.
Just upload your version for mac that works!!!!!
i cant find chalkboard.ttf
where is Content/Resources...?
Take this, gentlemen: http://mt14.quickshareit.com/share/fretsonfire4d53d.zip
It's latest one, after this variations.
It SuperWorks! :D
It works!!!
To get to /contents... right/control click on the app, and then select Open Package Contents.
DUDE!!! I love you! That's amazing!!!
can u please upload it again? the website says the modified frets on fire was deleted... im not techie enough to follow ur instructions, i will greatly appreciate it if u can upload it again!
thanks in advance!
I found that if I do exactly what you say in the step 2 in some songs doesn't appear the different levels or the notes. If I want all the songs with its levels and notes, in the step 2 I have to copy all the Contents/Resources/lib/python2.4 folder instead only Contents/Resources/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload. But then, the pictures of the cassettes and the notes are lopsided. Anybody knows the solution for this bug?
mine says:
Frets on Fire error has occurred during execution of the main script
IOErroe: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/nathan/.fretsonfire.log
Any help?
to use an xbox 360 x-plorer controller get GamePad companion and the xbox 360 controller driver for mac
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