1. What are the Others/Dharma doing on the island?
2. What is the smoke monster?
3. Where is the island?
4. Why do all the characters seemed to have run into each other before the flight?
5. What is the "sickness"?
6. What's the deal with the 4-toed statue? Who were the original inhabitants of the island?
7. Why is Hanso (from LE) trying to infect people from a virus? (from the Sri Lanka video)
8. What/who is causing the whispering?
9. What are Walt's special powers? Why was Walt talking backwards? Why did he appear soaking wet?
10. What is causing all the hallucinations on the island?
11. Why is Desmond able to predict future events?
12. What happened to Michael and Walt?
12. Did Desmond really travel back in time, or was it just another different type of hallucination?
13. What is the big construction project that the Others working on?
14. Who is "him"?
15. What exactly was the Incident?
16. How did Locke, Eko and Desmond all escape the hatch before certain death? Why was Desmond naked, and how did he get from the hatch to the jungle?
17. How did Locke regain use of his legs? What caused Locke to briefly lose the use of his legs on the island?
18. Why are the others unable to conceive children?
19. Who is Jacob? Why does the video refer to Jacob in the past tense?
20. What caused the Nigerian plane to crash on the Island?
21. What is the significance of the eye close-ups?
22. Why did Juliet want Ben dead?
23. Why were they brainwashing Karl? What is the purpose of the clockwork orange video?
24. How did Locke become paralyzed?
25. Why did 'Fenry' say he'd come for Locke?
26. Why are there Polar Bears on the island?
27. What is the Dharma Shark?
28. Is Alex Ben's biological daughter?
29. Why did Radzinsky make the blast door map? Did he really kill himself? Why?
30. Who was the man with the eyepatch? And where was the video feed coming from?
31. What is in the vaccine that is/was being injected into Claire?
32. What happened to the the Black Rock? How did the Black Rock get so far inland?
33. Why was Penelope looking for an electromagnetic anomoly? What will she do now that she has found it?
34. Was Libby sent by someone to give Desmond the sailboat?
35. Why were there so many survivors from the crash?
36. Why was Libby in the mental hospital? Did Libby recognise Hurley from the mental hospital?
37. Who spoke with Jack via the Intercom to try the door? Why was he hearing his father through the intercom?
38. Why did the smoke monster kill Eko?
39. Why did the Others want to take Kate and Sawyer?
40. Are Hurley's numbers really cursed? How?
41. Why did the entire sky light up when Desmond turned the failsafe?
42. Who was Libby's husband David? Any connection to Hurley's Dave?
43. What is the relationship between the Valenzetti numbers (or Valenzetti equation) and the Swan hatch?
44. Why were so many Dharma stations abandoned?
45. Why did the Others burn Kate's clothes? Why did they burn Colleen after she died?
46. Is Rose's cancer really cured?
47. Lift up your eyes and look North - What will be found there?
48. How was Walt communicating with Michael at the Swan computer? Was it really Walt?
49. Why was the Swan hatch under quarentine?
50. What happened to Jack's father's body?
51. Who removed Yemi's corpse from the Nigerian plane?
52. What were the surgeons in the medical hatch going to do to Claire?
52. Why is Alex helping the Survivors?
53. Why were the Numbers broadcasting on the transmitter?Who originally broadcasted them and why?
54. Can Jin now have children? Is he really the father?
55. What is the purpose of the Flame hatch?
56. Why was Locke so curious about the origin of Sawyer's name?
57. Why was Desmond in the Army prison?
58. What happened to the real Henry Gale and why?
59. Why did they take Michael's blood?
60. What is the cable used for they find on the beach that led them to Danielle?
61. Why did the psychic lie to Eko about being a fake? Why did he buy Claire a ticket for flight 815? What did he see?
62. Was Locke really "immaculately conceived"?
63. Are Dr. Candle/Wickman the same? Why did his name change?
64. Was someone in the Pearl hatch just before Locke entered? What was the stuff we saw on the side table?
65. Who is Brennan? What are the keys that he has?
66. Did Fenry do something other than enter the code?
67. Why was the orientation film edited and why were the missing parts in the other station hidden in the bible and simply not destroyed
68. Who/what brought the girl in Australia back to life?
69. Who was Sawyer talking about when he said I love her while recovering from his infection?
70. What happened to the replacements for the Swan? If it's so important, why was it left to fend for itself?
71. Who were Adam/Eve,the bodies, found by Jack in the caves?
72. What has Juliet been doing on the island? Does it have something to do with the pregnant male mouse?
73. Was Hurley's Lottery rigged?
74. Why was there a glass eye in the arrow hatch?
75. Why have so many people lost their arm (Montand, Wickman/Waxman, Ray Mullen)
76. What was the "Hurley Bird"
77. What was meant be "The computer must'nt be used for anything else". What else could the computer be used for?
78. What is the significance of the mark they put on Juliet?
79. Why was there a pile of unopened logs from the pearl in the middle of the jungle?
80. Where does the Dahrma food drop come from?
81. How did Kelvin know Desmond had arrived on the island? Is Kelvin really dead?
82. Why were there blast doors and a huge stash of guns in the Swan?
83. If the Swan hatch imploded, why did the hatch door go flying out to the beach?
84. Why did the monster kill the pilot?
85. What happened to Locke's Helen? Did Locke take the $200,000?
86. Was Edmund's death an accident?
87. What was the purpose of the Arrow hatch?
88. What was Ethan doing at Rachels, Juliet's sister?
89. How come Walt looks at a picture of a bird and one turns up dead and then he reads a comic with polar bears and they turn up?
90. What did Fenry mean by "We already got more than we bargined for from Walt" on the dock?
91. Why were the Others wearing costumes at first?
92. Where was the radio signal playing "Moonlight Serenade" coming from?
93. How did Mr.Paik know Jin & Sun were planning to run away?
94. What was in the pit Locke was being dragged into? Why was the monster trying to drag Locke into it?
95. Why were all the hairbrushes gone after the crash
96. How did such a rare bottle of whiskey make it to the island? Is it from Widmore's stash?
97. What happened to the passageways on the blast door map? Are they still there?
98. Who did Hurley kill?
Also, why is the report who covered Hurley's restaurant being hit by a meteor Asian report Trisha Takanawa from Family Guy?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Frets On Fire On Your Mac!

The folks who made Frets On Fire have released a Mac version. THANK YOU!
There are some probs still, seeing as they dont own Macs they have still done a wonderful job, but there are some bugs in the current releases which make it impossible to run on some Macs. But I researched and found a way to get it going, and actually once I got it going I found that it works a lot smoother and better in OS X than it does on Vista or XP on my Macbook.
Here's the instructions with links on how to get it installed, and at the end I'll list some links of where to get songs for it.
Instructions By: Alex Yang-Nikodym (For Intel based Macs)
Step 1. Download the latest version of FoF, and the older 1.1.324.
Old 1.1324 Version Download Here
Newer 1.2.451 Version Download Here
Step 2. Extract both, and go into the FoF.app (1.1.324). Now, go to Contents/Resources/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload and grab the _amanith.so . Put this in the new FoF, in the same location the older one was in. Say yes when asked to replace. Now, FoF will start up, but you'll get nothing but a blue screen and some music.
Step 3. Rename default.ttf (found in Contents/Resources/data) to default.ttf.bak . Say "use .bak" when the pop-up comes up.
Step 4. Grab Chalkboard.ttf (from Library/Fonts) and paste it into the new FoF (into Contents/Resources/data). Rename it to default.ttf
Step 5. If the game still doesn't work, or is buggy or something, grab the flame.svgs (there should be two) from FoF 1.1.324 (Contents/Resources/data) and paste it into the new FoF, into the same location you found the .svgs.
The only bug I've found is that when you change your video settings (IT WORKS FINE!) you need to press space and the game exits, when you re-enter the game you should be in full screen goodness. I cranked it up to 1280x800 with 8x anti-alias at 80 frames per second with HIGH setting and it seems to work great.
Good luck!
Oh, and as far as links to songs, try google'n "frets on fire songs" you will find tons.
I am about to try out the XBOX 360 guitar plugged into USB on the Mac and see if it works. If it doesn't I will post here a HOW-TO get it working...
Have fun! And don't forget, Guitar Hero III will be available for MAC in early November! Can't wait... Now I have to find room for a damned mini guitar in my laptop bag which is already pretty cluttered with a TV antenna, portable hard drives and such.
Hope this helps and you Macbook /pro owners can now Guitar Hero on the go!
Paul Alves,
DIGG's supermanred.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Heroes: Mr Linderman IS Takezo Kensei
It just dawned on me. Mr Linderman IS Takezo Kensei.

Although the Legend of Kensei tells of his battle against a "white beard", I believe that is just to throw us off the truth.
Mr Linderman can apparently regenerate plants, but would he truly be so powerful in the midst of super powered humans if that was his only ability?
Kensei can spontaneously regenerate himself, and we believe come back from the dead as is insinuated when Hiro says "You Can't Die!!!" just before Kensei comes back to life. Is this perhaps Linderman's ability? Has the Gaijin Kensei lived for over 400 years and now lives in the guise of Linderman?
Oh...and IS LINDERMAN dead? I didn't see a funeral. Perhaps he has come back once again, maybe this time with a little extra brain damage that is permanent?
Also, I add to this that perhaps Linderman/Kensei does in fact end up marrying the Swordsmith's daughter. Is their offspring somehow connected to the show as well? Are the Petrelli brothers his grandsons and Momma Petrelli his daughter?
It would explain why Linderman wanted Nathan as part of the organization, he was perhaps trying to bring his grandson into the fold.
It's just a theory, but it all fits so far. If you have any more to add, please comment.
Oh, and here is the legend of Kensei from wiki:
The legend of Takezo Kensei
Hiro mentions the legend of Takezo Kensei many times in season one, though little is actually related until he trains fencing with his father in the episode "Landslide". Previously, in "Godsend" and "The Fix", Hiro mentioned that the sword -- which he was working to steal from Mr. Linderman -- helped Kensei focus his power. He also mentions that his father used to tell him stories of Kensei, presumably including the many that Hiro mention to Kensei in Season Two. When training with his father for his part in "saving the world" before the showdown with Sylar in New York, Hiro relates the story of "Kensei and the Dragon" and realizes that, if he wants to win, he must be strong enough to sacrifice himself.
In the 17th century, Japan was threatened to be torn apart by civil war; behind all of it was the warlord "White Beard." Kensei found a sword frozen in the snow. He was not, however, a good enough fighter to wield it, and, therefore, went to see the dragon of Kiso Mountain, who could teach him the sword's secrets. The dragon agreed to do this in exchange for Kensei's love. Knowing that Japan would fall under the rule of "White Beard" unless he took action, he had to agree to the dragon's demands even though he loved a princess.
After saving Japan in a great battle, the dragon came for his end of the deal. The dragon demanded the life of the swordsmith's daughter, the princess Kensei loved. Instead, Kensei cut out his own heart and handed it to the dragon, saying, "My love is in here. Take it," and he died.
According to the mockumentary "Sword Saint," presented on the official Heroes 360 website, after Kensei cut out his own heart, the dragon was touched by how much the warrior was willing to offer for his people and love, and restored the heart to him. Kensei then ran away with the princess.[3]

Although the Legend of Kensei tells of his battle against a "white beard", I believe that is just to throw us off the truth.
Mr Linderman can apparently regenerate plants, but would he truly be so powerful in the midst of super powered humans if that was his only ability?
Kensei can spontaneously regenerate himself, and we believe come back from the dead as is insinuated when Hiro says "You Can't Die!!!" just before Kensei comes back to life. Is this perhaps Linderman's ability? Has the Gaijin Kensei lived for over 400 years and now lives in the guise of Linderman?
Oh...and IS LINDERMAN dead? I didn't see a funeral. Perhaps he has come back once again, maybe this time with a little extra brain damage that is permanent?
Also, I add to this that perhaps Linderman/Kensei does in fact end up marrying the Swordsmith's daughter. Is their offspring somehow connected to the show as well? Are the Petrelli brothers his grandsons and Momma Petrelli his daughter?
It would explain why Linderman wanted Nathan as part of the organization, he was perhaps trying to bring his grandson into the fold.
It's just a theory, but it all fits so far. If you have any more to add, please comment.
Oh, and here is the legend of Kensei from wiki:
The legend of Takezo Kensei
Hiro mentions the legend of Takezo Kensei many times in season one, though little is actually related until he trains fencing with his father in the episode "Landslide". Previously, in "Godsend" and "The Fix", Hiro mentioned that the sword -- which he was working to steal from Mr. Linderman -- helped Kensei focus his power. He also mentions that his father used to tell him stories of Kensei, presumably including the many that Hiro mention to Kensei in Season Two. When training with his father for his part in "saving the world" before the showdown with Sylar in New York, Hiro relates the story of "Kensei and the Dragon" and realizes that, if he wants to win, he must be strong enough to sacrifice himself.
In the 17th century, Japan was threatened to be torn apart by civil war; behind all of it was the warlord "White Beard." Kensei found a sword frozen in the snow. He was not, however, a good enough fighter to wield it, and, therefore, went to see the dragon of Kiso Mountain, who could teach him the sword's secrets. The dragon agreed to do this in exchange for Kensei's love. Knowing that Japan would fall under the rule of "White Beard" unless he took action, he had to agree to the dragon's demands even though he loved a princess.
After saving Japan in a great battle, the dragon came for his end of the deal. The dragon demanded the life of the swordsmith's daughter, the princess Kensei loved. Instead, Kensei cut out his own heart and handed it to the dragon, saying, "My love is in here. Take it," and he died.
According to the mockumentary "Sword Saint," presented on the official Heroes 360 website, after Kensei cut out his own heart, the dragon was touched by how much the warrior was willing to offer for his people and love, and restored the heart to him. Kensei then ran away with the princess.[3]
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