I've put together a list of the links between the shows, and some of my theories on the connections. Keep in mind that LOST takes place in 2015, a few years after the events currently happening in Chapter ONE of HEROES. Also keep in mind that Chapter TWO of HEROES and every chapter (season) after that will feature a whole NEW set of HEREOS from around the world.
The mysterious island on Lost was a mad-scientist laboratory focused on accelerating human evolution that created the superpowered heroes on Heroes. Those accelerated humans are now in their 30's or so. You might know them from the show HEROES. The island is still there, and still to this day many special humans are sent there for experimentation.
Heres my list:
- The actor who portrays Matt Parkman, the police officer who can hear thoughts on HEROES played the pilot of the airliner that went down on the LOST island.
- Desmond on LOST saves the world by pressing the button. As he shuts his eyes tight (a la HIRO NAKAMURA) he is instantly transported through space and time to the past, where he has a chance to live his life again. Despite his best efforts, he finds that he cannot change the past and the universe has a way of making certain events happen despite his best efforts to change things. HIRO NAKAMURA who posesses the same power to shift through space and time encounters this same phenomenon when he tries to go in the past and stop his girl friend from being killed by Syler.
- The actor who plays Mohinder's friend back in India on HEROES appears in a flashback to Desmond's past on LOST.
- The same fictitional car rental company exists in both shows, another clue that it is the same Universe. Here are pics from LOST and HEROES. The brochures used are EXACTLY the same.

- Hiro's father (George Takei) is a Japanese businessman who appears to own a large company. The Dharma Foundation (assumably a large company) instructional videos feature an Asian individual giving the instructions. Is this individual perhaps Japanese and working for Nakamura / Dharma Foundation?
- Nathan Petrelli in one scene says:
Nathan: If people knew what we were capable of, they would drop a collective brick.
Simone: Do you think they would burn you at the stake?
Nathan: Yeah, pretty much. Because that’s what I would do. I’d round us all up, stick us in a lab, or on some island in the middle of the ocean.
(Could it be that in the future, people could have their minds wiped (ala Hatian dude) and put on a plane to an island?)
- In the same episode when Nathan mentions the island, we see that Syler is staying in room 23 in a motel. 23 is one of the numbers in Hurley's lottery numbers on LOST.
- The OTHERS on LOST seem to kidnap specific people and bring them into their fold.
- Mohinder on HEROES is looking to perhaps find a cure for the gifts the HEROES have. The others on LOST seem to give out a lot of injections of mystery shite.